Friday, January 30, 2009

Jackson Family

I was working on the Jackson Family portrait order today, and wanted to post the images. They are so cool! This was the freakishly warm day right after Christmas when it got up to 60 degrees. Walter asked the family if they wanted to do their session outdoors instead of in the camera room and they were super excited. He took them to Tappan Square in Oberlin and did their entire session outdoors without any coats! They loved their portraits, and we did, too!

Winter Special

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Years Eve 2008-2009

I forgot to post this photo from New Year's Eve! Pictured are Trevor, Becky, me and Taylor. We went to First Night Akron. This was taken inside a theater. It was the first time we had gone. I don't think we'll be doing it again! A little too artsy for us. The boys really weren't into it too much and we all had colds, so we left early. The most entertaining part of the night was the belly dancing exhibit, but we'll save that explanation for another day!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Crayola Cookie Dough

I "borrowed" a friend's Crayola Cookie Dough to give to my niece this weekend for her birthday. The procrastinator that I am sometimes knew that I would never be able to order it and get it in time to give to her, so I told my friend Vern I would replace hers. I went online today to order it for her. I found it no problem. $14, no problem. Shipping is 13.95! I am going to end up paying $28 for some cookie dough! I know that they originally bought it as a fundraiser through school. Since I don't have any kids, I never know about these things. I feel really bad, because I told her I would replace it, and I don't want to wait until who knows when there's another fundraiser. If anyone out there knows where I can get the Crayola Cookie Dough, please contact me! I'll come pick it up from you! HELP!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Alltel Commercial

I was watching TV this morning while getting ready to come to the studio and I saw the new Alltel commercial where the guys from the other phone companies are stuck in their van dangling from a truck lift. They are being held hostage by the truck driver who is very unhappy with his wireless phone. The driver of the truck is Ed Ackerman! He is from Columbia Station, Ohio. We did his senior portraits many, many years ago! He moved to California to pursue an acting career.
He was my friend on Myspace, which I have been ignoring lately because of facebook. I went to contact him and congratulate him, but his account has been deleted. I looked him up on Facebook, but cannot find him. If anyone knows him and knows how to get in touch with him, I want to talk to him. I've enjoyed our chats on Myspace and would really like to touch base with him again. So, if you know Ed Ackerman, contact me! Thanks!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trade Show Booth

Well, I survived trade show at Imaging in Phoenix! It's over! We did the last of the tradeshow today, packed up the booth, and tomorrow we'll be heading back to what I hear is wicked weather in Ohio! It's been beautiful here, even though I haven't been outside hardly at all. But I am dreading not only the flight, but the temperatures! Hopefully we won't get delayed at the airport! I put a photo here of me and Darryl, my customer service representative from the lab. We worked the booth together every day. It was a lot of fun meeting new people from all over the country. Wish me luck on the flight tomorrow! Hopefully I'll be back in Cleveland by the end of the day tomorrow!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well, I survived my first tradeshow day in Phoenix for my color lab. It was pretty fun! We gave out lots of blinky lights and got lots of people to sign up and give us their information. I will take a photo tomorrow of me and Darryl in the booth(wearing our blinky lights), and post it tomorrow. Weather here is great! Sunny and low 70's (not that I get to see any of it until after dark!). But it still beats a foot of snow at home! Have a great night!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Off to Phoenix!

Sorry I have been ignoring my blog lately! Facebook seems to suck up all my time!
The owner of the lab that does all the printing for our studio called me a few weeks ago and asked if I was going to be attending a photography seminar in Phoenix coming up. I told him I had never attended that particular seminar and tradeshow. He asked if I would be willing to go and work their tradeshow booth along with one of the customer service reps. The convention is in Phoenix, and I thought, great excuse to get out of the snow for a few days!!!
So, I leave Saturday morning, and return Wednesday night. I get an official lab shirt, and everything!!! There are about 8,000 people that attend this tradeshow, so I'll have lots of people to talk to! I'm looking forward to it, but am a little nervous at the same time. I've never done anything like this before, so the pressure's on. I hope I do a good job! Wish me luck!
I'll take a few photos from Phoenix and put them here for you all to be jealous. I haven't even had time to check what the temperature is in Phoenix this time of year. Not that I'll have tons of free time, but maybe a nice walk around the block without boots, hats, gloves and jackets will be nice! Even though it's only Thursday, have a great weekend! We all need it now that we've been back to work for a full week!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, 2009 has finally arrived! Happy New Year to all who read my blog! I went to First Night Akron last night for new year's eve, and hopefully I will have a photo to post from Becky's camera soon. I emailed her today and asked her to send it to me so I could put it on here. It's a really cute photo she took! Keep your eyes open for it. We'll be back in the studio regular hours on Monday!