Sunday, November 25, 2007

3rd Annual Turkey Bowl

My brothers held their third annual Turkey Bowl in North Ridgeville on Thanksgiving day. It was wet, cold and windy, but they seemed to have had a good time.

My younger brother is wearing the #2 jersey, my older brother is to the right of him in the dark hat. My nephew, Curt, is the miserable looking one on the right hand side! My other nephew, Nolan, is in the red hat in the center. My youngest brother (in the goofy yellow coatand hat) and my dad are under the umbrella. My brother couldn't play this year. On the injured reserved list! Two of my sister-in-laws are buried under umbrellas, coats and blankets. A good time was had by all! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fall Folio Competition

We just got back yesterday from our fall meeting of the Profesional Photographers of Ohio. As a part of the convention and seminar, there is a folio competition. We submitted these three folios, and we got blue ribbons for all three! We were really happy with the outcome. It takes time to put these things together, but it was all worth it in the end! So I guess it's congratulations to us!!! Later. Susan

Walter's New Toy

Walter has been wanting to get a chandalier to use as a studio prop for a while. He finally got this one a couple of days ago, and is just starting to use it. Now I'm getting around to posting it! I think it looks really nice. A great girl prop! I'll post more chandalier soon!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well, we had a Kesley and a Kelsey in one week, and they both go to Keystone High School. That's got to be confusing! I made sure to post one of the poses of Kelsey in the leather chair outside, because that is Walter's favorite right now, and it showed off Kelsey's heels so well! I also love the one against the white wall where I added a cityscape. It looks really neat (is that still an okay word to use?) She'll see them soon, and I hope she likes them!


Walter did Alex's session on Sunday. He is 4 years old. We have been photographing him since he was an infant. Walter was making up his session from when he was sicklast week. It was a beautiful day and they went to Cascade Park in Elyria. He is so fun to photograph! He did everything Walter asked him to do. He was throwing leaves, getting buried, and loved it all! I hope his mom likes them as much as we did. In fact, we are entering these images in a folio competition at our Professional Photographers of Ohio seminar in Columbus this weekend. I hope he does well! I'll let you know!