Sunday, March 8, 2009

PPO Convention

Well, I'm sitting in the back of a program updating my blog. My program went really well! I had to talk really fast to cover all the things I wanted to. The picture is of the atendee who won my little contest. I polled the audience to see how was doing what. She had a website, a blog, a MySpace page, a Facebook page and she Twitters! She won a big Hershey kiss I gave as a prize. People have said it was very informative. Lots of good comments. I wish I would have had more time, but you use what you got. It was fun. I would probably do it again!


Melissa Rennie said...

glad to hear your program went well. i see my picture in the "myspace" slide LOL!

Michelle Waters said...

I enjoyed your class. Thanks for posting that silly pic of me. lol