Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, I have just about worn the bottoms off of my feet here in Vegas! My room is about two miles from the tradeshow floor! My color lab is working my butt off!! It's pretty fun, meeting new people and all, but man, it's been a lot of work! One more day of trade show, then pack up their booth and fly home on Thursday. I'm sure there's tons of work waiting for me there as we are hot and heaving in photographing our 2010 Model Reps! It's cool to be back in this city after being gone a few years. So much has changed! I haven't even had time to gamble hardly at all! I did win $40 on nickel slots last night, but seeing as it's only 10pm here and my day just finished, I think I might venture out and find a place to play low limit blackjack. At least not having time to gamble is saving me lots of money! I just wanted to jump online and update all of you who care what's going on lately! I posted a session from Saturday just before this, as I brought the images with me in case I ran out of time at home, which I did! This is the first chance I've had to get online since arriving here! See you back at home on Friday, my first day back in the studio! Wish me luck! Susan

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