Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In a Pinch

Well, I'm speaking at the Professional Photographers of Ohio next week in Dayton. They asked me a while ago to give a short program on social networking, since I seem to do all of the vices. I am supposed to be speaking on blogging, facebook, etc. I figured since I was going to be speaking on internet subjects, I better make sure I would have access to the internet in the building. Well, I just found out today that I won't have internet access, because it is too expensive for where I will be! Now what am I going to do?! How do I speak about the internet without showing it to the crowd?
One thought I had would be using a satellite wireless card. I have used one before, but don't own one. If anyone that happens to read my blog is willing to let me use theirs, I would be very grateful. I am even willing to rent it from you. I would need to get it Tues evening next week and use it for one week. I have based my whole program around showing my blog, etc., so now I'm really stressed. If you can help me out, please call the studio at 926-1440 and even leave me a message. I will be more than happy to pick it up and drop it off! HELP!

1 comment:

Paul said...


You can simply download and save any of those web pages to your laptop and show them in a browser the same as accesses them on line.
