Every small town has a Dewey. Dewey is the guy to go to if you want to know what's going on in town. He oversees every project that goes on in this town. No job is complete until he gives it his stamp of approval.
In this town trains blocking the state route are a fairly common occurrence. Whenever this happens, Dewey hops on his trusted bicycle and comes down to hang out by the tracks. He knows this is happening because he has a radio that he can hear all the train talk with the engineers. He loves trains. He helps out and tells the out-of-towners how to get around the road being blocked. He is always helpful and always has a smile on his face. Keep up the good work, Dewey!
How true. In fact even across cultures and countries this is true. Remember having a gentleman in our town in south India, who had this knack of being able to repair any gadget no matter how ancient or new. He was old may be in his 70's when I saw him .
-M - http://theunofficialversion.blogspot.com/
Notre pas cher vente. chihuahua eu cela comme un cadeau quand les cow-boys finalement une victoire play-off lunettes de soleil pas cher! Il a l'air beau en elle soooo-un vrai champion! Papa etait sooo fiers! =) sac a main pas cher. Parfait, le petit gars qu'il aime! chaussures femmes pas cher.
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